And... the three lesser cults of Terra Incognita. As promised.
The Insurrectum
Alignment: Chaos
Colors: Sea-Blue, Gold, Green, and Burgundy
Deity(s): Mirk, Terminax, and Vera
Dogma: Chance, Passion, and Strength
Symbol: Skull-faced Coin
Worshipers: Artists, Athletes, Merchants, and Rogues
A lesser but influential cult, the Insurrectum is a chaotic triumvirate of deities. This cult is only for the bold, the outcast, the independent - those who flaunt society’s laws and traditions. Individual freedom is the highest aim, though chance and fortune, and to a lesser extent chaos itself, are the cult’s foundation.
The goddess Vera is the oldest and most primal of the three, and she is worshiped at the head of the pantheon. Called the Maiden, Vera is beautiful, passionate, and destructively jealous. Terminax is her anointed son, and he embodies individual strength, victory, and courage. He is the patron of athletes and heroes. The androgynous Mirk favors cleverness, skill, and luck, and its faithful are thespians, merchants, and thieves.
The Insurrectum is decentralized and volatile, rife with competing factions and demagogues. Worship is regional and varied, but often includes wild parties and the sacrifice of sacred animals. The only overarching authority is the Chosen, the three champions of the deities. Even the Chosen’s power is limited however, and they serve at the pleasure of their patron.
Membership in the cult confers no special benefit or treatment, though many consider it a high honor. Members are expected to honor the gods with their success, and to give proper reverence to the lords of chance and fortune. Those who are unfit are shunned until they prove themselves worthy once more.
A large number of local or regional sects exist within the greater cult. Some of the most famous include the pleasure-seeking Verite Sisterhood, the weather calling Storm-handed Ones, and the infamous Blackcloak Society. Membership within a sect requires special dedication to one of the three deities.
The Insurrectum is frowned upon in civilized lands, where there actions and beliefs scandalize their neighbors. The lawful followers of Sajus and Eihart particularly despise them. Other enemies of the cult include Gorgos of the Brotherhood, and the witch-hunting Immaculates.
The Mysterium
Alignment: Neutral
Colors: Black, Orange, Silver, and White
Deity(s): Hirstices and Okradon
Dogma: Knowledge, Magic, and Prophecy
Symbol: Moon and Stars
Worshipers: Magicians, Scholars, and Teachers
An ancient but flagging cult, the Mysterium honors just two deities. Members of the Mysterium value knowledge and the mind, and many practice Magic.
The cosmic being Okradon enjoys a majority of worship, as he is the ultimate embodiment of time, truth, and magic. The lesser Hirstices, is chiefly venerated by female magicians, and holds dominion over prophecy and prophetic dreams.
The cult is small and spread thin, with only a handful in every kingdom. Mystical communication links members, and so they remain well organized over great distances. The cult is lead by its greatest magicians of each gender, called the Star Father and the Moon Mother.
Joining the Mysterium takes many years of careful thought and reflection, and its deities care little for mortal toil. Due to the difficulty of attaining full membership, the cult is largely composed of networks of associated laymen, who preserve and protect magical knowledge, objects, and places.
The cult is neutral toward worldly affairs, and has few outright enemies. If any could be said to oppose the Mysterium, it is the Immaculates of the superstitious Triad.
The Circle
Alignment: Neutral
Colors: Green, Grey, Yellow, and Brown
Deity(s): Ædenar, Dror, Evandar, and Murgha Calergi
Dogma: Balance, Freedom, and Nature
Symbol: Emerald Ring
Worshipers: Dwarves, Elves, Halflings, and Woodsmen
Long ago, the world was ruled by mountain and forest, and populated with Dwarf and Elf. The Circle harkens back to the times of old, with its loose collection of deities.
Ædenar the Longwatcher, is the god of elves, forests, and seasons. Dror is the great dwarven god of mountains, air, and magic. The Huntmaster, Evandar, is the god of hunting, woodcraft, and beasts. Murgha Calergi is the halflings’ lord of riddles, bravery, and good humor.
In settled lands, the Circle is all but vanished, though it flourishes in the lands beyond. Temples are not built but grown, and exist in places of untouched natural splendor. Usually only a single shaman (and eventually his apprentice) guard large swaths of territory.
To join the Circle, prospective members must seek a mentor to guide their initiation. Rites are long and arduous, and sometimes include privation or vision quests. When an initiate completes their training, they are often symbolically linked to a plant or animal which will spiritually guide their development.
To advance to the highest levels of enlightenment, one must show an unflinching dedication to natural balance, and gain the special patronage of one of the four deities.
The Circle does not shy from conflict when it is needed, and their enemies include life-stealing Xafax, and Buayeg god of Fear. They are often at odds with Sajus, whose artifice upsets the balance.