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Parousia and the Rivenmark |
Second greatest city in the Kingdom of Corvinium, Parousia is a large, walled city perched atop a hill overlooking the RĂ¯me River. The city houses some 8,000 year round residents, and swells to nearly 12,000 at the height of the summer market season. The city is ruled by Duke Gaspar Cavinato, a skillful politician and favored cousin of Queen Matilda. The Duke’s court is home to many figures of note, including the wealthy Baron Bernard Laklundy, Matron Mother Lucinda de’Martelli, merchant prince Albrecht Magnus, and the dragon-slayer Sir Vincent Argo. Life at court is complicated and treacherous, and the great families of Parousia are constantly falling in and out of favor.
Most of Parousia’s population is employed in the lumber or textile industry, with a smaller but significant number involved in mercantile and trade. This combination of manufacturing and industry creates a large, well educated middle class not seen anywhere else in the kingdom. The city is of great strategic importance, guarding the eastern border and bolstering both the northern and southern fronts. With a fortnight’s notice, the Lords of Parousia can muster 1,500 Knights and three times as many conscripts.
Law and order is maintained by three hundred professional watchmen, a contingent of Immaculates, and the duke’s own retainers and household. The King’s Law is the standard, though special attention is paid to crossbows and magic-use, both of which are patently illegal. Notable landmarks include Pavillon’s Theater, the Legendarium, the War College, the Dragon’s Eye Tavern, and the Supremus Solium. Lesser known but quite popular locally, are the Lusty Wench Tavern, the Whisper Room, and the Calvert Club. It is a widely known “secret” that a black market and smuggling ring operates from within the city’s river front.
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Parousia and Environs |
Places of Interest:
The Ducal Palace (Cavinato Keep)
Duke Cavinato’s personal castle is a sprawling, baroque affair, containing an armory, dungeon, and a mint. The keep is not open to the public, though the Duke holds frequent parties and soirees. It is rumored that the keep’s dungeons hold important political prisoners.
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Cavinato Coat of Arms |
About seven miles east of the city, Timber is a semi-permanent settlement on the outskirts of the Elfheart Forest. Timber houses nearly 1,000 people, most of whom are loggers. The camp has a rough and tumble reputation.
The River Front (Dirt Town)
About 250 people live amongst the shipyards and warehouses on the river front. Called Dirt Town by the locals, it is known for criminal activity and squalor. The stinking pub Fish Belly seems to be the center of the community.
The Rookery
A older and undesirable slum on the cities north side, the Rookery houses poorer travelers, foreigners, and demihumans. The Rookery is infamous for its itinerant population of Elves, called Ragmen. The Ragmen adopt a childlike demeanor and attitude, and live largely at state expense. They are frequently the target of racism and persecution.
Pavillon’s Theater (the Pavillon)
A point of pride for the city’s residents, the Pavillon hosts a variety of entertaining spectacles, including operas, comedies, and circuses. The theater-master is Raphael Scuvasso, a flamboyant man and favorite of the Duchess.
Office of the Marshal (Lion’s Head)
The office of the Marshal houses the city watch, as well as confiscated weapons and dangerous prisoners. Don Pascal, the Lord Marshal, is a grizzled veteran of the Troll Wars, and trusted agent of the Duke.
The Legendarium is a true marvel of technology. Here lies the kingdom’s only printing press and book bindery. It is owned and operated by the secretive Falco family.
War Collage
The War College of Parousia is the kingdom’s primary university. Young nobility typically spend a year or more here, studying with the college’s Maesters - all of whom are Sajustine Monks. The students here can be quite mischievous, and pranks and petty crime are common.
Dragon’s Eye Tavern
One of the oldest and most storied businesses in the city, the Dragon Eye is popular with tourists and pilgrims. The proprietors claim a variety of famous clients, and historical significance. The hero Sir Vincent Argo makes frequent appearances (for a price.) It is rumored that Argo is in financial ruin.
Supremus Solium
A great cathedral and center for the worship of Melodia. The Supremus Solium is the most sacred temple in all of Corvinium and the site of royal weddings and coronations. The Matron Mother is a powerful figure at court, and a frequent critic of the Queen.
The Lusty Wench Tavern
Located in the Rookery, the Lusty Wench Tavern is a melting pot for the city’s stratified society. Here adventurous nobles rub elbows with fishermen, farmers, and foreigners. Almost everyone has a story or two about the Lusty Wench.
The Whisper Room
Operated by the Verite Society, the Whisper Room is one part shrine and two parts brothel. The Mistress is One Eyed Belle, rumored mistress of the Duke himself. Access to the Whisper Room requires the nomination of a current patron and a substantial donation to the society.
The Calvert Club
The Calvert Club is a prestigious and staid gentlemen’s club, where the wealthy and highborn congregate. It is frequented by some of the most powerful men in the city, and much business is conducted in its private salons. In some circles, it is rumored that the Club houses a Black Lodge of the Brotherhood.
The Hall of the Immaculates
This monastery is the home to the local order of Immaculates. The Immaculates here support the town watch as special investigators into matters spiritual and supernatural. The Archon of the order is Mathias Russ, or Mathias the Red. Though integrated into the justiciary, the order is currently out of favor with the Duke.
Magnus and Sons
A large and immensely profitable merchant company, Magnus and Sons’ headquarters is in the merchant quarter of Parousia. The company is noteworthy as one of the few successful demihuman enterprises. The elderly dwarf Albrecht Magnus is an indispensable ally of Corvinium, and regularly loans money to the royal treasury. There is some backlash directed at the successful dwarf, but Magnus has been careful to ensure his position.
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