A cinematic clash between two master swordsmen deserves... well more than standard D&D combat can provide. In literature and the movies, victory depends on guts, tactics, and luck - not aggregate character level. The following “dueling rules” are designed to make single combats more interactive, balanced, and satisfyingly dramatic. They be reserved for moments of appropriate dramatic tension, and then only for Fighters who are within four levels of each other. This work was largely informed by the Iajutsu rules from Oriental Adventures and is predictably deadly. Alternatively, these rules could be used for non-lethal contests, like boxing.
Cinematic Duels
Phase 1: Size em Up
Phase 2: Spar
Phase 3: Strike
Phase 1: Size em Up
A.) Each character may make an Intelligence or Wisdom Check to reveal a single fact about their opponent (Hit Die, Hit Points, Class, Strength, etc.)
B.) If the duel continues, each character chooses an Ability score against which to make their checks, and then rolls initiative.
Phase 2: Spar
A.) The character with initiative must choose one of three actions - Spar, Pass, or Strike.
B.) Sparing characters roll 1d6 each round and total the result. A cumulative d6 is added for every round after the first (2d6, 3d6, 4d6, 5d6 etc.) When a character’s total score exceeds their chosen ability, they are “bust” and the duel proceeds to Phase 3.
C.) Characters may choose to “pass” giving the active turn to the other character. When both characters “pass,” proceed to Phase 3.
D.) Characters who call for a Strike immediately suffer their opponent’s “blow.” If they survive, they may deal their opponent a “blow.”
Phase 3: Strike!
A.) When a duel enters phase 3, each character delivers a “blow” to the other for 1 damage die per total score accumulated during the Spar phase. Bust players must suffer their opponent’s blow before they deal their damage. Players who call for a strike, suffer their opponent’s blow first as well. If both players chose to pass, the blows are simultaneous. If both characters survive, they may continue the duel, resolve combat as normal, or yield.
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